Using Facebook Marketing Techniques
Facebook marketing can be used for any business, knowing how to use Facebook for your marketing is the question. A website will not get the targeted traffic that facebook can generate.
This is acheived using a simple strategies just for Facebook. Naturally, you become an affiliate for a product or service in your niche market. At this point, creation of a fan page is important.

Facebook marketing should not be done using your personal profile. Using a seperate fan page allows you to make friends and dabble in different marketing methods.
Next, determine the marketing strategy that will be used to get your own fan base. Use a landing page within your site for your fans, this is where all visitors are received.
The landing page should be the only section open to visitors. Using the landing page you can capture prospects, sell products or services, but most of all convert visitors to fans.
To do this conversion you should offer a "free gift" in exchange for them to click "like". The free gift can be a report, ebook or a video, but the purpose is to get access they must perform an action.
Setting up a fan page and creating a landing page is, in fact, the easy part. As with any affiliate marketing, the hard part is driving the targeted traffic to your site. Unfortunately, using Facebook Ads would be the quick way, the paid way.
Facebook will easily approve an ad for a fan page, because it's their own service. Other websites can be more challenging on account of Facebook's strict policy on affiliate marketing ads and programs.
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