Monday, August 13, 2018

Using Wealthy Affiliate For Creating A Free Wordpress Blog

Using Wealthy Affiliate For Creating A Free Wordpress Blog

 Start A Blog For Free - How To Create A Free Wordpress Blog - Wealthy Affiliate

 Start a blog for free - How to Start a Blog That Generates Thousands of Dollars a Month

 Once bloggers get up and running and realize how easy it is, they often wonder why they ever searched for how to start a blog for beginners Category: free blogging platform free blog sites free blog websites free blog Wealthy Affiliate. Overwhelmed by all the blogging tips out there and not sure how to start a blog in 2018 I want to start a blog for free starting a blog as a business or getting your site to rank in search engines, then the best way to start a blog for free is at WordPress

 How To Start a Blog For Free For Beginners · Prevention of Google penalty Next Start a blog for free online and blog about whatever interests you using the Wealthy Affiliate Blog Platform.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Animation Studio Software Demo

Animation Studio Software Demo

Learn how to make an animated video in under 10 minutes. How to make animation video – easily to make animation video. Click Here To Learn More About Animation Studio!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Building Automated Niche Sites With Vitraffic Autoblogging System

Get Vitraffic - Get More Website Traffic With Autoblogging - Automated Niche Blog Get Vitraffic - how to get free traffic to your affiliate niche sites in 2018.

 How To Get FREE Traffic to Your Affiliate Link Little Known Facts About How To Get Traffic To Your Affiliate Link Buy How to Get Traffic Fast: Read Kindle Store Reviews - Amazon People often wonder how to get traffic to a website You no longer have to wonder about how to increase website traffic

Monday, July 9, 2018

Making Your Amazon Affiliate Store Go Viral

If you’ve tried to make money with Amazon (or any affiliate marketing for that matter), the part where most people fail is with the traffic, or more likely… lack of traffic.

Fixing that is easy with the right tools.   Viral traffic is the easiest, best and most targeted traffic you can get – again, if you’re doing it right.


For something to go viral it needs to have the following:

  Value  Share-ability Congruency

If you can give people something they’re interested in, a gift, report, video training, software tool that fixes their issue… whatever it is – and for them to fix that all they have to do is click a button?

Well… that’s gold right there. 

ShopABot does this for you automatically, building an email subscriber list AND rewards them for buying through your link – and even sharing your store and your affiliate links for you!
When ShopABot has found your niche, working out what kind of gift to pair it up with is easy.  For example, if you click the button and it’s found that Green Tea is the perfect niche for you, you could give away any kind of thing like a report that shows how to: 

How to brew your tea for maximum flavor 20 iced tea recipes The x health benefits from Green Tea Where to find top quality teas at bargain prices Places around the globe for exquisite tea experiences

In that report, you could even get a little more creative and include other related recommended resources.  For example… they are buying green tea, maybe they also need a kettle, or some fancy teacups etc.

If you’re doing the traffic manually (instead of using ShopABot), I’d still stick with social media.  It’s like word of mouth, but on steroids!

There are really three sites you should focus on in the beginning:

1. Facebook – This is the goliath of social media. It’s important to get a fan page created for your website ASAP.

2. Pinterest – There’s not many sites that can bring more traffic than Pinterest, especially if you use it correctly. Post often, post relevant content that is likely to be re-pinned a lot, and follow as many accounts relevant to your niche as you can.

3. Instagram – You may have been expecting Twitter to be the third site, but I’ve actually found Instagram a lot more effective than Twitter. There are no “secrets” to Instagram, really. Just follow relevant users, like and comment on their content, and post great images on a regular basis with relevant hashtags. It’s easy.

Twitter is probably the next one you should focus on, followed by YouTube, and then others like Snapchat.

Be careful to grow your social media at a natural rate. If you follow too many people, make too many comments, etc., too quickly, you could get banned.

Using the viral traffic system inbuilt in ShopABot, you can avoid any potential backlash because it’s your visitors who are sharing.  You just get the ball rolling by giving away free stuff… the affiliate commissions will snowball from there!


Click this link to get your FREE Report about ShopABot today!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Way Of The Blogger - Writing For Self Or Others

The Evolution of Blogging. It use to be something bloggers did to express themselves. However, now it's used to highlighting a particular topic for promoting products. This brings an interesting point. Way of the blogger - writing for self or others. Simply put, are you going to start a blog that is more personal or more business?

Today blogs are written around a certain topic. This topic can be something you are passionate about or something primarily for the sake of earning an income. Believe it or not, a blog can be both. In both ways you can write to gain a following and promote products/services related to your topic.

Blogging is, in fact, a business. This is the way I see it, time involved in research and writing can be a full-time job. Even now, I only post once or twice a week to my blog, it takes up a good deal of time. While I'm working a full-time job, I find it hard to have the disipline to write and post like I should. For me writing is easy enough, however, I have to research and stay on top of SEO methods.

Another part of blogging is marketing. After posting I have to post to Social Media sites to spread the word. Recently I start using Crowdfire for this purpose. Not only do I post my articles to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. I have increased my following in each of these social media sites.

For ranking my blog on Google I signed up to Wealthy Affiliate. The training is amazing. I've learned more about Keyword Research and different ways of blogging. You also learn more about SEO and really the basics behind affiliate marketing.

There are two types of blogs: free and self-hosted blogs. Examples of free blogs are Wordpress or Blogger. These are good for starting out with, just to get your feet wet. Self-hosted blogs require buying a domain name and pay for hosting. The down side is the cost, the upside is that no one or nothing can take it away from you. The free blogs you're at the mercy of Wordpress or Blogger. You never know when they will shut your blog down for violation of Terms of Service.

You should look into going Self-hosted blog. Speaking of which, Wealthy Affiliate is also a blogging platform. If you are a Free member you are allowed 2 sites. As a Premium member you can create up to 50 sites. This alone is worth the $49/mo. subscription along with the training provided.

To monetize your blog, you just search for products related to your topic and check to see if an affiliate program is provided. Most people sign-up to Amazon. The beautiful part of Amazon is that even if a person doesn't buy what you're selling, you can still make commissions on anything else they buy.

This is just a little glimpse into blogging. Way of the blogger - writing for self or others. There is always an opportunity for making money blogging. And keep in mind, the awesome blogging platform offered from Wealthy Affiliate. To Learn More Click the Banner Below and Check it out! Cheers!

Monday, April 9, 2018

2018 Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners-Lessons and Videos-Free to Join

2018 Affiliate Marketing Training for Beginners-Lessons and Videos-Free to Join

Have you been wanting to start your own business online in 2018? Affiliate marketing has been one of the most popular choices for working online. However, if you are a beginner, you might want to get the basics first. Affiliate Marketing Training that offers both Lessons and Videos for easy following is the way to go. And because you're a beginner, you also want something that is Free to Join.

The Internet is full of useful information and it is also full of scam artist. It seems  that everyone is offering that secret method or golden shortcut. The best way to steer clear of the scams is to learn affiliate marketing the right way.

True enough, you won't start earning 6 to 7 figures overnight. But, you do want to learn the correct methods to get you there faster. Learning blogging, keyword research, content writing and list building are some of the basics to affiliate marketing.

Blogging, keyword research, content writing and list building all go together. If done properly can mean a significant income for years to come. Blogging itself can be fun, if you write about something you're passionate about.

Any blog can be monetized, but you must write engaging content to develop a following. Once you get a following, you can use Google Adsense, Affiliate Networks or sell your own products.
Keyword research is needed to rank your blog post for specific keywords. I'm not going to get into keyword research because there are a lot of methods out there.

List building is where you collect emails from visitors to your blog. With these emails you can send out newsletters or even promote other affiliate products in your niche. Just like with the blog, you must develop a relationship with your subscribers.

You can jazz up your blog post with images or even YouTube Videos. Anything that will get your message across to your readers.

A great affiliate marketing course is Wealthy Affiliate. It has excellent training for beginners, lessons and videos and it's free to join. Don't go at it alone, Join Wealthy Affiliate and learn the right way with a community that is there to help you every step of the way. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Avoiding The Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

Avoiding The Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

One of the attractions of affiliate marketing is being a "hands free" way of making money. Other advantages are not dealing with customer service, refunds, returns or any other basic hassles of running a business. The disadvantage is the small commissions earned compared to being a product creator. You might have noticed that more and more gurus are encouraging product creation. While this will bring in more money, it will also bring you more grief. Thus, we will discuss avoiding the disadvantages of affiliate marketing.

Having a Good Relationship with Your Affiliate Manager

The easiest form of affiliate marketing is getting into CPA (Cost Per Action). This is preferred due to the simplicity in the marketing method. CPA is making money by collecting Emails, or Leads. You are paid for every Lead you collect. With this said, it is the most difficult to get approval to a CPA Network. Building a relationship with your affiliate manager is necessary to getting into a CPA network.

List Building

The money is in the list. Easy concept, but hard in actual practice. Simply put, you will need a web-page builder (opt-in form), a hosting account and an Autoresponder. You can offer a PDF report, Ebook or Video Course as an Ethical Bribe. The idea is to give something of value in exchange for an Email address. Once you have someone on your list, the time comes for you to build a relationship so that there is trust. With trust is established, promoting products to your list to make money is possible. It's important to always provide value to keep your subscribers interested.

Creating Your Own Product

Research in finding out what is there a market for. Something that will solve a problem that people are actually looking for. The research starts at forums to see what people are complaining about. Sometimes a simple survey can go along way in finding the answers you seek. Your product can be a digital information or even a software, for those who really have the money to put in. Another product can be a membership site or training course.

Avoiding the disadvantages of affiliate marketing, can be simple or full blown drama. It depends on what you're prepared to deal with. There are limitless rewards when going into affiliate marketing and there are also a multitude of headaches. Just keep at it and eventually you will get to where you want to be.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Success In Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is something I'm doing part-time. Within the next 2 years, I hope to go full-time. My goal is to provide a large enough income so that my Wife and I can enjoy traveling and spending more time with the Grandchildren.

Simply put, the most solid path to a substantial income and freedom is blogging and list building. Now true enough, I don't blog on a regular basis, therefore traffic and followings are low. However, for 2018, I plan on ramping up things for success in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing isn't easy, it takes time and hard work. Not to mention, basic knowledge of human behavior. Many marketers invest in methods that just don't work. Everyone looks for the short-cut and easy money. There is no such animal. There are only two things needed for success in affiliate marketing:

1) Getting Traffic

2) Picking Good Offers to Promote

Getting back to wasting money, I've invested in methods that promise the quick pay-off. As a matter of fact, I'll be writing reviews on some of these products in the near future. The best way to finding success in affiliate marketing is to stick to the core methods. As far as the Gurus, they make money off of you and I when we buy their products. Some of which really don't work.
The best way to learn affiliate marketing would be to find a reputable training course. A course that teaches SEO and other traffic techniques.

1) Getting Traffic

Traffic is THE life's blood of affiliate marketing. This takes priority over the products and services you plan to promote. Once you learn to build traffic, then you'll make money easily.

Types of traffic are search engine, pay per click, email marketing, video marketing and article marketing. These are awesome ways for getting traffic to your website or offer. You can use one or all at the same time, however, it is best to take one at a time and learn it thoroughly.

2) Picking Good Offers to Promote

Choosing a good converting offer will make promotion easier. Not all offers are good offers. Find something that will help people solve a problem. Take a look at the kind of issues people are having. When you identify a niche then go and promote the solution to it. One of the cornerstones of marketing: marketing solutions to the world's problem. A good living can be made doing this.

There is hard work involved with affiliate marketing, but if you follow these two things, then you can achieve success in affiliate marketing. Solving problems is the key to affiliate marketing.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Are Your "Shareable Images" Creating Interaction?

Are Your "Shareable Images" Creating Interaction?

With more than a billion people interacting,
Instagram has taken over the Social Media
World. This is over a billion users per
month, users who are very engaging.
Such engagement must be taken advantage of.
Imagine how Instagram Marketing can boost
your brand and business. But, to fully
leverage Instagram, you must create
"shareable images" and viable content.
Images and content are necessary to build
an attractive following. As with any other
social media platform, this following must
be targeted to your market. Targeted
followers will engage and share your con-
tent more frequently.

Click To Subscribe!

These tips and tricks will help you acquire
such a following.

A.) Use a Professional Camera to take Photos
The great thing about Instagram is that
you can create amazing posts right from an
iPhone or Android device. However, if you
want to create really compelling images,
you need a professional camera.
Now let us not dismiss anything created
from a Smartphone. Sometimes an amateur
photo can drive engagement. Even still these
photos must be visually stunning.

B.) Put a Little Extra Effort into Captions

Most people don't realize the importance of
the caption. The idea is to squeeze every
bit of advertising out of this platform.
The captions should tell the story of the
picture. You want your captions to have
your follow to be interested as well as
engaged. You want to have them into your
content or marketing funnel.
The use of hashtags are good for getting
new followers to your page. Hashtags also
help to drive marketing partnerships as well
as any links you can use to get people into
your marketing funnel.